
Completion of the Compendium

Practical guidelines for practitioners in scenarios

5 March, 2024

Completion of a compendium containing practical guides for screenplay practitioners. These guides are designed to provide an interactive experiential learning framework, making it easier to approach and solve real-world problems.

Scenario is defined as a method that provides an interactive environment for experiential learning, giving participants the opportunity to identify solutions to real-life problems. These may involve making decisions based on situations, with positive or negative consequences. Scenarios can range from realistic situations to stories about possible futures.

The guide details the key elements of a scenario, starting with problem definition. Building a scenario begins with stating a problem that generates a sense of crisis or deficiency. Finding a solution to this problem is the main reason for the scenario.

The guide also provides tips for building a screenplay, including useful techniques and methods. These include the Kipling method, which involves six main questions related to a problem in the community, and the Speed ​​Boat technique, a visual metaphor used to identify and solve problems in different community contexts.

To support participants in building realistic and plausible scenarios, the use of resources such as images, videos and interactivity is recommended. The guide also emphasizes the importance of dividing knowledge into knowns and uncertainties, as well as the need to consider the complexity of the problem at hand.

Practitioners are encouraged to make the scenarios relevant to the lives and experiences of the participants, encourage open thinking and provide opportunities for collaboration and discussion. Building the scenarios should provide participants with opportunities to reflect and apply the identified solutions.

This compendium is a valuable tool for practitioners using scenarios in their work and provides practical advice for creating effective and relevant scenarios for communities.