
Inclusive learning spaces


22 November, 2023

Scenario: îInclusive Learning Spaces”

Problem identified in the community: Access to education for YWwD

WHERE? Public schools and educational institutions in Bucharest.


    Lack of accessible infrastructure in schools.
    Limited availability of specialized educational resources.
    Insufficient awareness among educators of YWwD needs.


    Limited funding for inclusive infrastructure.
    Inadequate training of educators on inclusion.
    Society's misconceptions about YWwD capabilities.


Possible solutions:

- Advocacy campaign:
Action steps: Develop a multimedia advocacy campaign, including videos, social media posts and infographics showcasing YWwD's achievements and capabilities. Engage local influencers and community leaders to support and amplify the campaign.
Outcome: Increased public awareness of the importance of inclusive education, which leading to public pressure on policymakers to allocate more funding for accessible infrastructure.

- Inclusive curriculum design:
Action steps: Establish a collaborative working group that includes educators, curriculum specialists and YWwD to redesign the curriculum to be more inclusive. Îincorporate diverse perspectives, disability narratives, and inclusive teaching methods.
Outcome: A curriculum that addresses the individual learning needs of YWwD , encouraging a more inclusive and favorable learning environment.

- Education Program: We Are Equal:
Action Steps: Conduct training sessions for YWwD on public speaking, advocacy and effective communication. Empower them to become peer educators who lead workshops in schools, sharing their experiences and educating both students and teachers.
Outcome: Increased understanding and acceptance In schools, breaking down stereotypes and promoting a more inclusive atmosphere. YWwD gains confidence and leadership skills.

- Accessible facilities:
Action steps: Work with local authorities to carry out accessibility audits of educational institutions. Identify areas for improvement such as ramps, accessible restrooms, and technology for students with different needs.
Outcome: Physical barriers are removed, creating an environment accessible to all students. This not only benefits YWwD, but also promotes inclusion for students with different abilities.

- Teacher training programs:
Action steps: Develop and implement training programs for educators focused on inclusive teaching methods. Provide workshops to understand and meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities.
Outcome: Educators become more aware and skilled in addressing the needs of YWwD, creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. This also contributes to changing perceptions of YWwD's capabilities.

- Collaboration with parents' associations:
Action steps: Engage with parents' associations to to raise awareness of the benefits of inclusive education. Îencourage parents to advocate for inclusive practices îin schools and collaborate with educators.
Outcome: Increased community support for inclusive education, which which leads to a more collaborative approach between parents, educators and decision makers